More than 750 owners of Tessla vehicles nationwide have complained to U.S. safety officials about their cars braking for no reason when they have had the vehicle's automatic driving system engaged. If you own a Tesla in Georgia and have experienced an accident because...
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Williams & Associates PC Blog
Tesla’s models may present dangerous defects
Tesla garners headlines for its reputation for innovation in the electric car market. A future with more electric cars on Georgia roads may be one with fewer emissions, but those days might not be automatically safer. Drivers make mistakes no matter what vehicle they...
Defensive driving could make accidents less likely
One helpful way to reduce the potential for an accident involves embracing defensive driving tactics. Defensive driving is all about safety, and safe drivers may avoid behaviors that increase the chances of collisions. Coming to a complete stop at all Georgia stop...
Fatal accidents from red lights
Running a red light is one of the worst driving decisions any motorist in Georgia can make. Not only is it illegal, it causes many auto accidents and is a clear reckless disregard for others. Red light accidents are known for being particularly deadly collisions, and...
Night shift workers have a higher risk of accidents
Fatigued driving is every bit as dangerous as drunk driving. This is borne out by accident statistics involving employees who work the night shift. Georgia workers with irregular sleep schedules are almost 300% more likely to be involved in a car accident. Fatigued...
Is it dangerous to drive in the city?
No road in Georgia is 100% safe, but driving in the city presents a unique set of challenges. Since the city has more vehicles on the road than rural areas, an accident could happen in a split second. This makes it more important than ever to pay attention to the...
Burst fractures after a vehicle accident may lead to paralysis
When the vertebra gets crushed from all directions, doctors give the individual a diagnosis of a burst fracture. When this happens, fragments from the sudden shatter can damage the spinal cord and some of the surrounding tissues. What are a few symptoms of burst...
Could defective parts cause a tragic auto accident?
When one car rear ends another vehicle, an injury may result. The injured party may assume that the driver who caused the collision was negligent. Sometimes, that may very well be the case. However, what if the colliding driver stepped on the brake pedal, and nothing...
What are the most common car recall remedies?
Periodically, you might hear about automobile recalls. Typically, these recalls involve a defect that could cause a Georgia car accident if it's not remedied. If your car is involved in one of these recalls, how can you stay safe on the road without buying a...
What should I do if my car has a defect?
If your vehicle is defective for any reason, it is important to take care of the problem in a timely manner. Failing to do so could increase your risk of getting into an accident on a Georgia road or highway. In some cases, it may be possible to have repair work done...